iPhone vs. Android: The Comprehensive Comparison

iPhone vs. Android: The Comprehensive Comparison

Published by Maaz at Turtleback on Aug 19th 2021

Two of the biggest operating systems of our generation, the iOS 15 and the Android 12, are about to be launched. That sparks the iPhone vs. Android debate once again and makes you look for reasons why you should pick one or the other. To help our readers, we are taking far more than a surface-level look at these extremely popular smartphones today.

Both the iPhone and Android have been around for many years and offer comprehensive feature sets. However, the same features are better in one phone than the other. In addition, there are other questions that you may have, like:

  • Who offers more ease of use?
  • Who shares the most market share?
  • What type of consumers are more likely to go with one or the other?

So let’s end the long-running iPhone vs. Android debate now!

A Pelican History of Android and iOS

A decade ago, the mobile OS was not dominated by Android and iOS, as we see today. We had other prominent operating systems like Symbian OS, BlackBerry OS, and Samsung Tizen.

In 2010, iOS was competing with SymbianOS for the top spot. And much to people’s surprise, Android was not that popular. However, smartphone brands started adopting Android gradually. One strong reason is the open-source nature of the Android operating system. Fast forward to 2020, almost the entire mobile operating system market is shared by Android and iOS.

The Global Smartphone Market

With 75%, Android shares most of the market now. This number is quite big as compared to the 4% market share in 2009. On the other hand, Apple is the second dominant player securing a 25% market share.

There’s one thing you should note: Android’s user base is distributed across a much higher number of different versions. On the other hand, most iOS users have the latest version of Apple’s software because of how their ecosystem works.

Around 1.50 billion smartphones are produced around the globe each year. The average cost of buying a smartphone is around 215 dollars. Apple leads the mobile market share with 55.55%. With 26.95%, Samsung comes second. Huawei has 0.92%, which is very low for a big company like them.

But if we just talk about the operating systems, then Android is the winner, having 71.93% of the worldwide mobile operating system market share. iOS comes second with a 27.47% market share.


Marketers heavily rely on demographics like age, income, and gender. Here are a few notable points related to the iPhone and Android comparison:

  • iPhone users tend to be financially more stable than Android users. This means they are more likely to make an in-app purchase.
  • Many iPhone users have managerial jobs while a major portion of the Android user base has tech jobs.
  • Google’s Play Store has more apps than Apple’s App Store.
  • Men are slightly more likely to be iPhone users than women.
  • Countries like the USA and Japan have a more iOS market share than Android. On the other hand, there’s a tie between iOS and Android in the UK market.
  • Almost every age group prefers Android devices over the iPhone.
  • Native English speakers prefer iOS over Android.

iPhone vs. Android Memes

This is a big cultural debate now for many years. For most of us, memes are a big part of our daily lives. And when it comes to iPhone vs Android memes, they can be hilarious and ironic!

People make fun of both systems in terms of features and competing for advancement. They also make fun of how some of the products cost a lot of money.


iOS emojis are better because they look more natural and reveal the true intentions than Android emojis. Many Android manufacturers make their own emojis like HTC, Samsung, and Sony, but none of them can match iPhone emojis. Feel like we are opinionated? Checkout Whatsapp. Their current emojis look like the iOS’s. They have also used the exact iOS emojis once.

Ease of Use

In general, people are geared more towards Apple products, including the iPhone, when it comes to user experience.

And much to many people’s surprise, Android offers great ease of use as well.

If you go back to 2010, the game would be entirely different as we’d have Windows Mobile and Nokia Symbian phones. The iPhone would be a game-changer because it was just so much easier to use.

Fast forward to 2021, both iOS and Android are the two leading phone OSes when it comes to ease of use.

However, things can tips toward Android if you take appearance and home-screen setup into account. Android lets you set up your phone the way you want – the kind of flexibility Apple lacks.

Timely Updates

Apple is the winner here. When the company releases a new update or patch, all phones get it. However, Google only supplies the base Android operating system, and it’s up to the phone manufacturer to deliver upgrades and patches. With most Android phones – except the high-end ones – you’ll most likely never see a security patch. Also, many of the currently running Android devices have out-of-date software.

That said, Apple is not perfect as well. They should work more on updates as they can result in some major issues. But when you get Android updates (which happens rarely), they just work.

Finish and Price

iPhones are beautiful and expensive. That’s because Apple only makes premium phones.

On the other hand, Android phones can vary when it comes to aesthetics and price. You can get a cheap TCL 20 SE for just $190. On the premium side, Samsung Galaxy S21 will cost you around $1200.


Saying Android has security problems would be an exaggeration. It’s just that Google is not that strict when it comes to applications in its app store.

On the flip side, iPhones are inherently more secure. But don’t get overconfident because there’s a lot of malware looking for your phone.

Battery Life and Charging

This one is difficult because there are too many Android phones. Companies like Samsung and Motorola tend to make phones that are better at consuming batteries than iPhones. Still, we’ll say it depends on the phone in hand and how you use it.


iPhones’ Facetime is better at videoconferencing. But if you want to call people who don’t use Apple, that would be a problem.


Like battery and other things, the camera vary wildly on Android phones. That’s because we have too many Android manufacturers and phones. For example, the Galaxy S7 line is a bit behind the top-of-the-line iPhone 7 Plus. But these Galaxy models have the wider-angle lens and tend to be better selfies.

In general, you won’t be disappointed with iPhone cameras. Especially, if you go with Apple’s latest flagship, the iPhone 12.

Read More: Is the iPhone 12 worth buying in 2021? To Upgrade to the 13 or Not To


You’ll find millions of apps on each store. So it’s not like you're ever going to run out of apps to play with. It’s just that Apple’s third-party apps are just better. This may sound objective, but you are most likely to think that the quality of apps built by iOS developers is far superior to that of Android apps.

From major banks to well-established airlines, you’ll find a bit smoother and cleaner iOS App than Android. You may also find some major apps like Snapchat running slow on Android.

That said, there's great software and developers on Android, but it’s just harder to find.

General Pros and Cons

Apple iOS 14 Pros

  • Better app icon organization
  • Widgets make the interface more convenient
  • Notifications are less obtrusive
  • More helpful Maps app and redesigned Podcasts app
  • App Clips, or no-install mini apps
  • Lets you choose default browser and mail apps

Apple iOS 14 Cons

  • Few third-party apps support App Clips
  • Few languages in Translate app
  • CarKey has limited vehicle compatibility
  • Many features require more Apple products or subscriptions

Google Android 11 Pros

  • Improved security and app privacy options
  • Messaging improvements
  • Screen recording
  • Convenient media and smart home control
  • Many hardware choices
  • 5G support

Google Android 11 Cons

  • Most current Android phones won't get it
  • Some complexity and inconsistency remain, compared with iOS
  • Less synergy with desktop and wearable ecosystem than iOS

Pick One That Fits Your Budget and Needs

As you have seen in the above iPhone vs. Android comparison, both phones have their pros and cons. So there’s no one-size-fits-all phone.

It boils down to your budget and what you expect from each phone. We also recommend learning about the exact phone model you want to purchase instead of making your decision based on the company that makes it.

Peace of Mind Solution for Your Phone’s Protection

You’ll have to consider your needs when purchasing a new phone. But whatever phone you end up getting, it will need protection from dirt, dust, and most importantly, accidental falls.

We haven’t come across an unbreakable phone yet. So your best bet is to cover your phone with a high-quality holster. The kind that looks stylish and doesn’t break the bank!

Shop holsters according to your phone’s model now!


Statista: Global smartphone market share Android vs. iOS Market Share 2020: Stats and Facts

Computerworld: iPhone vs. Android: Which is better for you?

Statista: Share of global smartphone shipments by operating system from 2014 to 2023

Tom’s Guide: iPhone vs. Android: Which is better for you?